
How to Change a Diaper

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Change a Dlaper
Change a Diaper
1.Even before you place the baby on the changing table,wash your hands with soap and water and remove any jewelry.
2.Place a towel or other easily cleanable surface underneath the child.Then,lay the baby on a changing table or safe area.
3.Begin by taking off the baby's shoes.If the baby has an outfit that snaps up the legs,this step may not be neccesary.Simply unsnap the pants and undershirt,and proceed to step three.If the baby has pants without snaps,remove the shoes and pants to get to the dirty diaper.During this step,begin entertaining the baby by singing or making funny faces.This will make your job easier.
4.While holding your nose or breath,remove the soiled diaper from the baby's person.Hold the baby by the ankles and carefully lift the hips.Remove the diaper with the soiled part folded in.As you remove the dirty diaper,pay attention to how it was secured.This will help you with putting on the new diaper.Cloth diapers will have pins or Velcro covers that you will have to remove. Most diapers today (Pampers,Huggies,Luvs) have Velcro or tape that you pull to remove the diaper.The obvious advantage of disposable diapers is that you can throw them away after your're finished.But,make sure that the clothespin is fastened tightly to your nose because you won't believe the stench that will come out of the diaper pail.
5.With a warm washcloth or diaper wipe,wipe he baby clean.A good idea here is to keep a fresh diaper draped over a baby(as a defensive measure)while changing him.Otherwise,the baby can go again and create somthing like a geyser effect.


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